Obtention of RMI certification
The Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) has confirmed that the cobalt, copper and zinc produced by STL is compliant with its responsible sourcing requirements.

STL provides funding for the new phase of its industrial development
STL announces that it has secured the financing of the new phase of its industrial development, for a total investment amount of 75 million US dollars.
Our Purpose
STL purpose is the processing of slag from the Gécamines concession slag heap and its transformation to extract copper, cobalt, zinc and germanium.
Owned by the Gécamines
A major Germanium producer:
of global supply
Societe pour le Traitment du Terril de Lubumbashi (STL) complies with RMI responsible sourcing principles.
The Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) has confirmed that the cobalt, copper and zinc produced by STL is compliant with its responsible sourcing requirements.
This announcement follows an independent assessment as part of RMI’s flagship programme, the Responsible Mineral Assurance Process (RMAP).
The RMI has reviewed the process and results of Societe pour le Traitment du Terril de Lubumbashi (STL)’s Responsible Minerals Assurance Process Assessment for Joint Due Diligence (JDD) Standard for Copper, Lead, Nickel and Zinc (2021) and Cobalt Due Diligence Standard (2021). The assessment scope includedCobalt, Copper and Zinc.
Based on the Auditor’s findings and the RMI’s quality control review process, Societe pour le Traitment du Terril de Lubumbashi (STL) is conformant with the Assessment Standard for Joint Due Diligence (JDD) Standard for Copper, Lead, Nickel and Zinc (2021) and Cobalt (2021).